The Point Topics

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Welcome Message

Welcome to The Point Magazine, a new online media space for younger readers.

This monthly publication is an initiative of the Community Relations Commission of New South Wales, and has been funded by the Australian Government.

The Point Magazine will be a vehicle for cutting edge news and views on the most pressing multicultural issues of our times:

How do overseas events like the Boston bombings, or international conflicts like the war in Syria, impact on local communities here in Australia?

What did the people who bombed Bali, or London transport, or Boston seek to achieve, and what did they actually achieve?

Is there a clash of civilisations being waged between Islam and West in our own backyard?

Are we witnessing the resurgence of race supremacy in Australia?

In a globally networked world, where are young Australians today sourcing their news, and can it be trusted?

This is edgy multiculturalism for a new generation of locally engaged, globally connected younger Australians.

The Point will not be afraid to ask the hard questions.

In our feature article for this first issue, The Point Magazine’s Editor, Nadia Jamal, investigates the 'Sheikh Google' phenomenon and the dangers of online religious extremism.

In a related piece, Nadia also speaks to one Sydney Muslim teacher about the influence of social media on young Australian Muslims.

Sam Caldwell, a volunteer intern at The Point, speaks to the experts about the security risk posed to Australia by Australians joining the fight in Syria . We also turn the spotlight on a local campaign by young Australians doing something proactive to help victims in the Syrian conflict. 

Also in this issue, Nadia Jamal and Tasnuva Bindi ask: are the growing number of Australians tuning into global satellite media excluding themselves from the national conversation?

The Point will also seek out stories which showcase the successes of the Australian ‘brand’ of multiculturalism. In the first story in this series, we unlock the secret behind the success of Asian entrepreneurialism, including a look at the booming frozen yoghurt and bubble tea markets.

I hope these articles will stimulate informed debate and a lively exchange of ideas. I look forward to receiving your feedback on this first issue. I also encourage your input on topics to be covered in future issues, and I call on young writers to sign up for The Point’s intern program (see the About page).

Please enjoy reading the first issue of The Point Magazine.

We look forward to addressing many more challenging topics in the months ahead.


Stepan Kerkyasharian AO


Community Relations Commission of NSW

Stepan Kerkyasharian AO Stepan Kerkyasharian AO
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The Point Magazine

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